Lyon's individual sessions are geared to the individual and involve a
variety of disciplines.
For many people, the path to behavioral change and emotional healing leads
through the body.
Reichian therapy is designed to help you open your breathing and release
your muscular "armoring" so you can regain your natural energy, aliveness
and connection with life. I trained in Reichian therapy with Al Bauman,
who trained directly with Wilhelm Reich. I practice a particularly gentle
form of Reichian therapy, influenced by Buddhism, Focusing and the trauma
work of Peter Levine. In a safe, supportive environment, without forcing
or trying, I help you gently allow your breathing to deepen and grow
from survival breathing to full-body breathing. When you breathe fully
and freely, you connect directly with your autonomic nervous system, which
controls tension and habit-patterns not accessible to your conscious mind.
Breathing freely in this way releases tension and blockages. You may begin
to move and make sounds spontaneously. For some, deep emotions from the
past come up and are expressed. For some, the experience is totally peaceful
or wildly joyful. Whatever happens is fully accepted and allowed
with no pressure to do or acheive anything. Discussion at the beginning
and the end of the session help you relate the experience of the session
to your life in the present and the past.
The work helps you gain access to inner resources so you can be more comfortable
and assertive in your life. You stop holding yourself back. You become
clearer about what you really want and how to go about getting it.
You can begin to change your breathing patterns and develop a breathing
practice in four or five sessions. To get full benefit from the work and
make major changes in your life, weekly or biweekly sessions for at least
several months are suggested. Private sessions can also be taken in conjunction
with workshops; this speeds up the process and lowers the cost.
Sessions run a full hour. For obvious reasons, they are available only
in person. My office is in Berkeley. Fee is on a sliding scale.
Focusing is the most powerful verbal therapy form I have ever experienced.
It is also a learned skill, which you can practice by yourself or with
a partner. In Focusing, you use words to connect directly with body states.
Focusing can be particularly useful if you are wanting to get new insight
into a specific problem area or stuck place. I am a Certified Focusing
Trainer, having trained with Ann Weiser Cornell. I offer Focusing Sessions
with an emphasis on breathing and the body.
Focusing sessions run a full hour. They are available both in person and
over the phone. Fee is on a sliding scale. For more information about
Focusing, please see Ann Weiser Cornell's website at www.focusingresources.com.
These sessions are designed to meet your specific goals. They provide
guidance in self-improvement and dealing with difficult issues and stuck
places. They are really conversations between us in which we discuss the
connection between your present and your past, see if we can look at your
situation from a different perspective and work together to solve problems.
I draw from my wide reading in psychology and my own life experiences.
I often recommend books to read though there is no obligation to
read them. The sessions are educational and inspirational.
Sessions run a full hour. They are available both in person and over the
phone. Fee is on a sliding scale.
For details, please see the Communicate with Confidence website: www.CommunicateWithConfidence.net
Schedule a Session
To schedule an individual session with Bret Lyon, Contact Bret.