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I believe there are many of us who are sharing a similar journey through
We feel a sense of separation and alienation from our world,
our friends and loved ones,
and even ourselves.
We need and want
to live in a deeper and more meaningful relationship
with our world and the people in it.
We want to be living fuller, richer lives,
Lives of more dancing and singing, more celebrating.
We want to make time more precious.
We want to live more in the spiritual dimension of life,
the spiritual dimension of time and space.
We speak of being at one with the world.
We speak of loving those who are near to us as we love ourselves.
We are searching, if not for answers, then at least for questions
To help us live the life we want to live.
Martin Buber
You may search for Me
if you'd like
as though I were somewhere else
But I am Right Here
Right Now
It is you who are not always here.
Martin Buber
Speak to yourself
Everything depends on you
The conflicts between you and others
Are nothing but the conflicts in your own soul.
Overcome this inner conflict
So that you may go out to him and her
And enter into new, transformed relationships.
Seek peace in your own place
You cannot find peace anywhere except in your own place.
When you have made peace within yourself
You will be able to make peace in the whole world.
Martin Buber
Strange is our situation here upon earth
Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seems
to divine a purpose.
From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know:
That people are here for the sake of other people.
Above all, for those upon whose smile and well-being our own happiness
And also for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected
by a bond of sympathy.
Many times a day I realize how much my own outer and inner life is built
upon the labors of others people, both living and dead.
And how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much
as I have received
And I am still receiving
Albert Einstein
Our greatest task may be to help people rid themselves of the illusion
that we are all separate.
Albert Einstein
When you are present, when your attention is fully and intensely in the
Now, Being can be felt. You can know it only when the mind is still. (Being)
is a state of connectedness with something immeasurable and indestructible,
something that, almost paradoxically, is essentially you and yet is much
greater than you. The inability to feel this connectedness gives rise
to the illusion of separation, from yourself and from the world around
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of
I believe the greatest gift
I can conceive of having from anyone
Is to be seen by them,
Heard by them,
To be understood and touched by them.
The greatest gift I can give
Is to see, hear,
Understand and touch another person.
Virginia Satir
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
several attributions
I began to think of children not as immature adults, but of adults as
atrophied children.
Keith Johnstone
This being human is a guesthouse.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I'll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn't make any sense.
The most complete and true happiness comes in moments when you feel right
there, completely present, with no ideas about good and bad, right and
wrong just a sense of open heart and open mind.
Pema Chodron
What is split off, not felt, remains the same. When it is felt, it changes.
Most people don't know this. They think that by not permitting the feeling
of their negative ways they make themselves good. On the contrary, that
keeps those negatives static, the same from year to year. A few moments
of feeling it in your body allows it to change. If there is in you something
bad or sick or unsound, let it inwardly be, and breathe. That's the only
way it can evolve and change into the form it needs.
Eugene Gendlin, developer of
The radical acceptance of everything brings a new possibility of trust,
a feeling of greater wholeness. We are no longer guardians of the gate,
watching to allow in some experiences and exclude others. Instead, we
are holders of the open space that includes whatever wants to come. We
are not afraid of what comes. We know that there are no enemies in the
inner world. The spirit is one of inclusion, not exclusion. The attitude
is one of welcome.
Ann Weiser Cornell
I am human, so nothing human is alien to me.
Terence, Roman playwright
Whenever you relate to something you experience, and the quality of that
relating is interested, curious, non-judging, you are developing your
capacity for Presence. You can then be a compassionate Companion to what
needs your attention. You can be with what is there, not in it, not denying
it or doubting it.
The first thing you can do to cultivate Presence is take time to sense
where it feels spacious, flowing, alive in your body right now. Any time
you are aware of fresh air, peace, compassion, equanimity, connected-with-and-yet-separate-from,
you can welcome these feelings and notice how this lives in your body.
Ann Weiser Cornell & Barbara
Awareness without judgment is the first step to change.
Moshe Feldenkrais
It is very difficult to change. But we can transform. Transformation starts
with accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now. We can aspire, but trying doesn't work. We can aspire and stay soft. Trying hardens
Pema Chodron (paraphrase)
For neural pathways to form, it takes many times of repeating something.
As you repeat, the pattern that has formed goes deeper and deeper and
deeper. If you begin a new pattern, the synaptic connection needs time
to deepen. If you stop doing the new pattern for a while, the deeper old
pattern will quickly reassert itself. Without having developed a new pattern,
you're trying to replace something with nothing. That's why "will power"
doesn't work.
Anat Baniel (paraphrase)
I am the garden
But I'm also the gardener.
Rebecca Riots
Anxiety plus Oxygen equals Excitement.
Fritz Perles
Can you feel the subtle energy field that pervades the entire body and
gives vibrant life to every organ and every cell? Can you feel it simultaneously
in all parts of the body as a single field of energy? ... The more attention
you give it, the clearer and stronger this feeling will become. ... Feel
the inner body even when engaged in everyday activities. Feel the stillness
deep inside it. Keep the portal open.
Eckhart Tolle
The more you are identified with your thinking, your likes and dislikes,
judgments and interpretations, which is to say the less present you are
as the watching consciousness, the stronger the emotional energy charge
will be, whether you are aware of it or not. If you cannot feel your emotions,
if you are cut off from them, you will eventually experience them on a
physical level, as a problem or symptom.
Eckhart Tolle
From ancient perspectives in different cultures to recent research on
the physiology of the nervous system, more insight is being gained on
the mysterious, yet self-evident mind-body connection. Research and empirical
data suggests that chronic and acute back pain, irritable bowel, jaw pain,
tension and migraine headaches, skin rashes including eczema, some pelvic
and prostatic pain can be caused or worsened by emotions such as tension,
anger, fear, and grief.
David Schecter, M.D. www.mindbodymedicine.com
Emotions consist of Energy plus a Story. If we let go of the story, only
the energy is left.
Trumpa Rimpoche
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For spirituality to truly make a difference to actually matter...in
our lives, we must be able to feel it in our guts, our throats, our expanding
hearts. Body and spirit awaken together, and they work in concert to restore
us to ourselves. If we miss this, we risk missing what's most meaningful
and potentially healing about spirituality however we chose to
define it.
Marian Sandmaier
Sometimes rest is the highest spiritual practice.
Tom Yeomans
What are the real needs of an adult? They are self-expression, growth,
development, reaching one's spiritual potential, and everything that accrues
from that. This means pleasure, love, fulfillment, good relationships,
and a meaningful contribution to the great plan in which everyone has
his or her task.
Eva Pierrakos, The Pathwork Series
Do not abandon the longing that comes from the sense that your life could
be much more, that there is a state in which you can...function on a level
of inner resilience, contentment and security; where you are capable of
deep feelings, of blissful pleasure; where you (can) meet life without
fear because you no longer fear yourself.
Eva Pierrakos, The Pathwork Series
I am tired of containing my energy for the comfort of those around me.
The body really is the engine of aliveness, of thought. As long as people
don't feel their bodies, we're wasting our time and theirs trying to do
talking psychotherapy....Becoming comfortable in their bodies is the number
one, paramount issue....People need to learn to regulate their physical
states in order to get their minds to work. Once they shift their physiological
patterns, their thinking can change.
Bessel Van Der Kolk, psychiatrist,
expert on trauma
The mind is there to explain our behavior to us. It says, "Don't
worry, there's a reason why you're doing this." But it does''t care
what the reason is. It will make up a reason if it has to. The mind protects
us by fulfilling our deep need to believe that we are logical beings.
We can thank it for doing it's job. But we don't have to believe it."
Peter Levine, founder of Somatic
Experiencing (paraphrase)
Breathe a sigh of relief. The murmur of the breath as it gently passes
through the vocal chords makes for the sweetest ending. A measure of happiness
is how often we sigh with ease.
Poster on a friend's wall
Take the emptiness you hold in your arms
and scatter it into the open space we breathe.
Maybe the birds will feel
how the air is thinner
and fly with more affection.